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Who We Are
Imaginos Workshop is a creative engine featuring a diverse group of creators. Our media ranges from comics to podcasts to scripts. As our company motto simply states, "We Make Cool $h!t!"
Creator spotlight
Allison BETH
Our latest spotlight features yet another Imaginos veteran, Allison Beth. Her conscription into Imaginos occurred 8 years ago. Our heroine was working her hustle at Starbucks when, lo, a messenger came upon and whispered ancient words "Imaginos Workshop..."
Probably. In fact, she loved talking writing and films with one of her regulars who then introduced her to the workshop. She's been keeping Mark and Nik's use of "hip" slang in screenplays ever since. Now she reps Imaginos on the West Coast.
From her background studies in screenwriting to her colorful career in the entertainment industry, Allison brings an expert eye to many of Imaginos' written works. Check out some of her insights from the industry.
Q: You were introduced to Imaginos through one of our peers. What were some of your first
impressions of Imaginos? What about Mark and Nik?
A: I didn't fully know the extent of Imaginos for a while. At first it was mostly working on The Academy with Nik and Mark. I didn't realize the scope until people started coming to Starbucks in larger groups to all work together. When I first met Mark and Nik... I honestly don't know my first impression. I feel like it was these random people who had passion and I really loved that about them. Now I think of them almost as like older brother figures.
Q: Had you ever conducted any group writing prior to your work with Imaginos? How has your
experience been collaborating on script writing with others?
A: Yes, I studied screenwriting in college and I have worked with some friends in LA. I love collaborating when you find the right chemistry. Not everyone has it, but when you find it, it is magical.
Q: Flipping over to the editing side of things, what are some of the biggest mistakes you’ve noticed
when copy editing scripts?
A: Story structure. I think people want to play with the idea of a three act structure and spin it on it's head, make it something new. But when you are first starting out, structure is your best friend.
Q: Related, have you ever seen any particularly hilarious mistakes or faux pas when reviewing a
A: Someone changed a characters name once, but only switched about half of them.
Q: In recent years, your day jobs have included roles such as production coordinator and
sales/distribution coordinator. It seems like these roles would provide amazing insight to the
production and promotional side of the business, something that a lot of creators lack access to.
What’s your advice to burgeoning creators in terms of how to best promote themselves?
A: Oh man, I'm not sure I'm the best authority on promoting oneself. But I think at the end of the day the film industry is about working with people you love. A production can go sour so quickly if you don't have a good team. So I think the best way to promote yourself is to work on projects, volunteer on short films, work with others in the community. Find a group of people who share your vision and create with them. Eventually your circle will grow, you'll meet more people and slowly you will be making what you want.
The Latest With
Partner Spotlight
HollyWood Crime Scene Podcast
Imaginos has mad love for our friends at Orion Neighborhood Television and the services they provide for the community. One fateful day, Imaginos Pete (Nik’s superhero persona in the creator sphere) stumbled into Joe Johnson and Andrew Walker having an enthusiastic and blood-filled discussion of Hollywood true crime tales. What else was there to do but make a podcast?! Our three friends took to the podcast recording room of ONTV and got to work. They’re a few episodes in (and recording more), so buckle up and check out these macabre tales of fame, fortune, and murder. Check out Joe Johnson, Imaginos Pete, and Andrew Walker on their podcast Hollywood Crime Scene on SoundCloud!